When we last ventured to the Great Basin…
The members of the task force had just arrived in Sino, a medium-sized city home to the Trobreryn Mages’ Guild and the Trobreryn Arcane Academy. After checking into the Grey Owlbear Hotel, Meru consults their star chart and surprisingly learns that the Thief has left the city but is still in Trobreryn. The next day, continuing to use Meru’s star chart, you learn that the Thief is currently teleporting between destinations on a cyclic pattern and will return to Sino within the week. Otherwise, not much happens as Oisin and Meru canvas the town for landmarks and rumors. You hear that recently, a student killed a professor in a graduation duel, despite a powerful artifact that prevents a lethal damage.
The next day, you decide to do something other than gaze at the star chart. Oisin and Meru travel to the Academy to ask some questions to the Guild Master Tarja Petr, particularly about if unusual teleportation signatures were appearing in the city. Tarja was happy to chat with Meru, but Oisin was recognized by a familiar face on his way into the meeting hall, Daalvis Zidba, the Dean of Students at the Tower of Torrents. Oisin ate lunch with Daalvis while Meru talked to Tarja and learned that Daalvis was teleporting back and forth from the Tower daily to keep the Headmaster Altair Aquila informed about the progress being made towards resolving the alotment issue between the Tower and the Academy. Basically, the Tower of Torrents was claiming that since they are within Trobreryn’s borders they were entitled to pull from the pool of Trobreryn students. However, they don’t have the facilities to teach non-arcane mages such as divine or primal casters. According to Tarja, Daalvis literally wrote the book on teleportation magic and was the only guild member returning home every night.
After learning this, Meru consulted his star chart and confirmed that Daalvis was the Thief of the Sword of Divinity that you had been hunting. On the way back from the Academy, Meru told Oisin who did not take the news lightly. Oisin stormed off while Meru returned to the hotel. Meru gathered the rest of you and explained what happened. Gwen sent her familiar to search for Oisin and spotted him entering the Academy again. She then swapped places with the hawk to try to intercept Oisin. Once that happened, everybody else started to race towards the Academy.
We now resume as everybody races to find Oisin, Gwen in the entryway of the Academy and the rest of the Task Force departing from the hotel room.