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Great Basin Session (2023-04-16)

·546 words·3 mins
Matt Schwennesen
Matt Schwennesen
Ph.D. Student and Tabletop Gaming Enthusiast

When we last ventured to the Great Basin…

The Task Force had just turned in Vicious to the Forum. Afterwards, Oisin had talked to Eaton about Bur Harcosa’s death and learned that it appeared to be from natural causes, but of course there are magical means to alter a body after death. They had not found any evidence of tampering, and no other evidence of foul-play either. After, but asking the stars Meru learned that Bur’s death was indeed hastened and that the person responsible was within two city blocks of the Forum building. Meru and the familiars headed to the streets to search for this perpetrator but didn’t have much luck. While there were people out and about, there were very few that Meru recognized. They did spot Steven, the Truthspeaker for Kerkard at a local restaurant, but other than that none of the other suspects were located.

Then, while Meru was crossing the courtyard in front of the Forum building, they happened to feel the hair on the back of their neck stand up. Something was wrong. Sitting to look like they were meditating, Meru cast detect magic and noticed something with Strong magic auras. They followed it into the building at the brisk pace, but when they approached Eaton’s office suddenly all motivation was missing from their mind. They knew that Eaton’s office was not their final destination, but had no recollection of who or what they were pursuing. After a brief chat with Eaton, Meru was convinced that something was afoot and headed off in search of Oisin.

When Oisin learned of what had been happening, he was also convinced they were in the midst of something suspicious. He gathered some other members of the Task Force and started a search of the area. They noticed footprints on the wet floor from where a janitor had been mopping but the janitor didn’t remember seeing anybody. Fortunately the area was a dead end and you couldn’t find any evidence that this creature had left yet. You methodically searched the limited area but weren’t able to find anything suspicious. Zorro, using Greater Detect Magic, found the lingering aura of a spell on the wall of one of the conference rooms but both he and Gwen weren’t able to identify the spell or the castor. Out of immediate leads, you asked Eaton to have some of his analyst look at the aura then regrouped to formulate form more questions for the stars. Around this time, Wil decided to check in with Vicious in the prison. Heading down to the bottom of the Forum complex he checked in with the guard, who said that nobody had ben down here since Vicious was booked. The guard escorted Wil to Vicious’ cell and had to extensively rattle the bars to wake the sleeping figure. Once he woke, Vicious didn’t seem to remember anything about Wil or why he was in jail and even said that his name was Alex.

Wil quickly regrouped with everybody in the working room with the rest of the group and you decided to implement a buddy system and strict policy of writing down suspicious behavior. We now resume during the night of Withermire 6th as you decide to sleep in the working room.