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Great Basin Session (2022-02-06)

·611 words·3 mins
Matt Schwennesen
Matt Schwennesen
Ph.D. Student and Tabletop Gaming Enthusiast

During our last foray into the Great Basin, Dr. Luna was working late in the Library with the green sample from the blast in the Forum chamber. Frustrated by her lack of progress, Dr. Luna conducted increasingly risky experiments until she passed a large amount of electricity through the material, were it promptly exploded destroying the entire lab, blowing a hole in the exterior of the library and nearly kills her. Swiftly arriving on site is Eaton, the investigative head of the Bastion of the Sky. He is furious to find on of the task force members at the heart of the incident, but admits to not having the authority to arrest her as much as he wants to. He does inform Dr. Luna that he will be filing a report to the Forum about the incident and is somewhat happy that the blast wasn’t for nothing and Dr. Luna learned how to detonate the mystery substance.

That night around the docks, which are still under a lock down after the blast during the Founder’s Gala, Oisin is almost caught by a patrol of bastion members, but they narrowly miss him.

The next day, 3 Fireharvest 1763, the task force is visited by Marchi Elenek, the Krig and the forum delegate who is the most involved with the task force. She is also unhappy about the explosion in the library, and finds that the task force members, namely Oisin and Breagan I believe, were not very trusting of her. She tells everybody that trust has to go both directions. She trusted you by not having you all thrown in the holding cells and wants you to trust her back.

After the Krig leaves, Breagan goes in search of physically red tape and returns with a roll of green, orange and pink tape. When Zorro goes to pick up his requested records (delegates) from the now damaged library, he gets into a discussion about the history of Ændor with Oisin. Zorro was taught that Andorr was a minor power represented by the Empire of Xylte, but when they tried to leave the Koncord of Kieros, the Empire invaded them. Eichen troops were also part of the conflict and were recorded stopping forces from the Empire from committing flagrant atrocities.

Oisin goes to check up on Eaton, and tries to repair the degrading relationship between him and the task force. They are able to come to an agreement that they are both trying to protect the Koncord and prevent more people from being hurt. He also promises to send a list of everybody who was at the Founder’s Gala.

Meanwhile, Redfern and Zorro visit Silvius Albina, one of the delegates from the Empire of Xylte. They find him to be very old and senile, telling them that it was probably the Andorrans who tried to assassinate their emperor last week who were behind the attack on the Forum. Frustrated with Silvius, they enter unannounced to the office of Janus Brutus, the other delegate from the Empire. She is much more composed than Silvius, basically telling them that they are just waiting for him to die. She explains that the Empire didn’t assign anybody to the task force since they don’t really care and do not think that a group from as many different cultures as the task force could possibly solve the mystery anyways.

The task force realize that Jusa has not been seen all day and both the attendant in the Tower of the Principality of Vi and Vessimur suggest the church as likely places for a cleric to be. The whole task force decides to go see if Jusa is there.