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Introductory Questions

·1026 words·5 mins
Matt Schwennesen
Matt Schwennesen
Ph.D. Student and Tabletop Gaming Enthusiast
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Koncord of Kieros

All of the governments are members of Koncord of Kieros. The Koncord serves as a formal discussion forum and supervisory body for all of the local governments. The Koncord was founded by Kieros to protect the entire region from some threat. Good contenders are a war between all of the kingdoms or a massive natural disaster like a meteor impact or a plague, something were the governments needed to set aside their differences and work together.

The below statement in italics is false, but left here for historical reasons.

After the founding of the Koncord, Kieros’s clan took over the administration of the Koncord. Past Caretakers of the Koncord have been authoritarian and treated the rest of the governments as subjects, but the current Prime Minister is very relaxed and the modern Koncord is very similar to the United Nations, tending to pass non-binding resolutions.

The Koncord is based out of the flying city of Kerkrad, which is also mobile and travels the region. It is connected to its consistent capital cities via teleportation circles.

  • What does the formal grievance process look like? Debate and vote by the council, which gets the final say. Grievances can interrupt internal processes via threat of sanctions.
  • What was the catastrophic event that lend to the creation of the Koncord? Or do you not know? Kerkrad is the heart of a meteor that crashed into the region, and the Koncord was the only way to save any life. Climate effects? What is the state of the region.
  • What would it take for Koncord military forces step in? Facilitate join service but no standing force except for guards for Kerkrad.
  • How does a government join or get expelled from the Koncord? Vote, if you still left no laws apply to you.
  • How has the most influence in the Koncord? The prime minister. Other roles? Polemarch, research head, economic lead, prelimintarian.
  • How are Koncord resolutions declared to the people? Is there a C-SPAN equivalent? Network of bards and talking crows.
  • Founding document name? Keiros left articles which are not implementation specific.

Governmental Questions

  • What large are we enumlating? Roman types or representatives from different kingdoms power share? Oliguric with a king from a kingdom?

  • Is is legal for a kingdom to have vassals? Yes, as long as you aren’t vassalizing members of the 10 seat council.

  • How much material support will the governments provide its agent? Just know that the more free shit you guys get the harder the enemies will be.

  • How does a group get recognized as a government? Vote.

  • What levels of governments are there? Can an enclave of wizards in a large tower be a government? How about a city state? Everything is considered part of a Koncord member.

  • How must difference in power can there be between governments? Can be wide gaps but its due to declining power trends but protocol keeps in the Koncord.

  • What are customs like between member of the Koncord? Cautious

  • Does diplomatic immunity exist in this world? No, can raise a grievance if you want.

  • How do you declare war? Will the Koncord let you? Yes, but if you do it against another Koncord member you may face serious consequences.

  • How prevalent is spying and other covert operations? What happens if you get caught? Grievance based. The Koncord can execute people.

  • Is there some “rights of kingdoms”? No, everything is grievance based.

Game Questions

  • How high fantasy and magic should this game be? I’m leaning towards high to very high. Higher end of fantasy.
  • Milestone or XP? I lean towards milestone. Milestone it is.
  • How many NPC kingdoms? At least 4
  • Campaign name for crying out loud! “The Basin” Basin Blues
  • Starting level? 3 or 5. Level 5!
  • Point buy, Standard Array or Roll (4d6 drop lowest)? 20 point buy
  • Schedule character building session? Not needed

Legal Questions#

  • Rule changes? Withdraw and skill checks. I’m in favor of keeping the modified withdraw but removing auto fail/success for skill checks. Also skip confirming critical hits. Keep withdraw changes, no skill checks
  • Is there universally outlawed magics? If not outlawed, strongly discouraged or regulated magics? Nothing outlawed at a Koncord level, but can be illegal on a kingdom level.
  • What is a war crime? I assume that the Koncord has passed some resolutions about this. Grievance based.
  • Standardized rules of engagement? No.
  • Limits on governmental actions? Either totally or in the territory of other nations. Grievance based.
  • How common is magic which enhances spying? Like scrying? No particular preference or discouragement. Maybe the council is out of date with spying magic.

Economic Questions

  • What currencies are there in the world? There is a Koncord currency used for interstate trade, but also local currencies.
  • Does each government have a different one and will require conversions? Exchange rates are required.
  • Which governments have the most economic capital? Yes, Emma should be the leader.

Lore Questions

  • Are there legendary heroes revered across all of the governments?
  • What deities exist in this world? Yes, tend to be regional
  • What is beyond the realm of the Koncord? Dead zone and a ring of wastelands? Other groups are starting to move inwards and making first contact with the governments here, everybody is on edge about it.
  • Name for the geographic region? The Great Basin. Mountains on the “deep” end and a ridge going around the.
  • How big is the basin? About 300 miles in the longest direction.
  • How common is magic and casters? Somewhere in the middle… People can get spellcasting if needed, but not everybody knows a caster.

Character Ideas

  • Thomas: Kitsune magus with black blade. Character is realist?
  • Joe: Universilest wizard. bookish, scribe. Kingdom was vassalized and works at the library afterwards. Refuge? Good guy Greg? May power trip?
  • Max: Summoner, egoist, gruff, paranoid
  • Emily: Slyph Alchemist
  • Emma: Paladin, half-elf
  • Patrick: Brawler
Party RoleThomasJoeMaxEmilyEmmaPatrick
Utility CasterYY