Table of Contents
Table of Contents
#- 6 quarts popped corn
- 2 sticks butter
- 2 cups brown sugar
- 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 cup white corn syrup
#- Put popped corn in large greased roasting pan, then bake for 45 minutes at
250 F.
- In a separate sauce pan, combine butter, brown sugar, corn syrup and cream of
- Over medium heat mix well as it comes to a gentle rolling boil for 5
minutes without stirring. Add the baking soda.
- Remove from heat and stir as mixture changes color and gets frothy.
- Pour over popped corn and mix until kernels are well coated.
- Peanuts can optionally be added to the popcorn.
- Return popcorn to oven for another 45 minutes at 250 F, stirring occasionally.